Credit cards
We accept the following credit cards: Visa and Mastercard. The amount will be transferred from your account when CASAMAT accepts your order.
ATM References
After you place your order, you will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions. You can make the payment in any ATM, using the codes indicated.
Bank transfer
After you place your order, you will receive a confirmation email that includes the bank information of CASAMAT, so that you can proceed with the transfer. After completing the transfer, submit the proof of payment to our store.
Paypal payment is a secure method used around the world. For more information on this payment method, visit Save data for future Paypal transactions, when you subscribe to this option, the customer will not need to access the Paypal page on an upcoming purchase. The value of the purchase in question will be automatically debited from the Paypal account used when subscribing to this option. At any time, the customer can access the Paypal account and remove this option. To do this, you must access the Profiles> My Money> My pre-approved payments menu. There, all pre-approved payments will appear and it will be enough to cancel the payment associated with CASAMAT. IMPORTANT NOTE: CASAMAT does not save any login data from the client's Paypal account.